Inspirational Spark from nature

Day 3 What do people thank you for? Think of it as what you like to do for people.

So when I think of what people thank me for it was interesting to me to think back through the years and get a common theme. I really didn’t think about it before. But I love it. People thank me for opening their eyes to how wonderful animals are, a lot. And what is interesting to me is I don’t wake up in the morning and say who can I tell about animals today. But I have helped so many people get pets that they go on to love and then told me thank you for. I have told people stories of my animal encounters and I guess the passion with which I tell them lets people see the love and respect I have for animals and it impresses upon them in some way.   I’ll give you an example, a woman I had been friends with and then parted ways with do to life changes I had not seen or heard from her in years. Then the phone rings and It’s her and she was in the Bahamas and had just finished swimming with dolphins in the wild. She said the whole time she thought of me and my stories which inspired her to want to someday experience dolphins in the wild and now she had done it. She said she thought to herself this is what Michelle was talking about, I see how wonderful they are. She thanked me for giving her the spark to want to experience this and wanted me to know she thought about me when she had finally swam with dolphins. When I hung up the phone I was in amazement that something I had said stuck with this woman all the years and made her act upon the spark she felt. It made me really happy that my love of animals did make another person see how to love them too. But I guess I just live a life of love for animals and somehow that rubs off on people. I don’t intentionally set out to put that spark in people, but maybe I should start being more intentional about it. I know it makes me happy when people tell me their animal stories too. So if you add a comment here, I would love to hear your inspirational animal stories. Check out Winter for inspiration.

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  • Hey Michelle… nice to see you’re really doing the start-a-blog challenge. I’ve written a little bit but haven’t put much up! A little bit scared.

    Anyway, you post reminded me of what I saw yesterday. While snorkelling I saw some little fish playing with a leaf! It was absolutely amazing. The leaf was much bigger than them but the were sort of swim past and flicking the leaf to make it spin! I watched them so quite some time. Gobsmacked, I never imagined that these little fish play!

    I’m sure with your writing as well you could open people’s eyes to the amazing beautiful world around them!

    Good luck with the blog. 🙂

  • As you know, Michelle, I wouldn’t have Heidi if it hadn’t been for you. So, I thank you for taking such good care of her before we adopted her. She is the best dog ever! Love this blog, by the way. Hugs!