Inspirational Spark

Day 2 of Live Your Legend writing challenge

So i’m participating in a LYL writing challenge, and I created this blog as a first day request. Day 2 they sent us a prompt to write about “What really makes you angry about the world?”.

This is a hard one for me, because I try to look at the positive in things. But I guess if I were to think about it, I think our priorities are all messed up. When people are young and able to experience all that the world has to offer, we want to shut that down and send them to work for the best part of their years. Then when they retire in many cases they do not have the energy or health to experience the life that might have inspired them to do so many more great things. I think we need to set up a retirement fund for each person when they are born, and they can draw on it when they graduate from high school or college.  Do a two year experience life walk-about. Meet people hear their stories and see what is out there, that the world has to offer. Sometimes, people are born and grow up and never leave the neighborhood.  A lot of my friends went away to college and then moved back home, because they realized that is what they like not because it is all they know. So my dream would be for each of the two years, a person would get $200,000 to spend at the beginning of the year and they could use it to live or experience the world. Then that money would be taken out of their retirement fund gradually over 40 years after they retire. I think we would have happier people all around. Additionally,  I think the work week should be only 25 hours… five hours a day or however you can work it to get the job done. With all the technology to make things more efficient we should not have to put in an eight hour day anymore. Give people more time to spend with family and friends during their lives. Our society is set up to break people and stress them out, not foster family and enriched living.   Imagine what inspiration would come from a person that has explored the world and found a place they love to work and raise a family. I think it would be a great world to live in with a lot of people that are living inspired lives not bored, shut down lives that our society fosters now. So that is what makes me angry about the world, and my solution to fix it. What do you think?


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  • What an inspired idea! Love it and agree wholeheartedly that most people are living very safe, unexplored, uninspired lives. Doing what they do because that’s how it’s always been done. Love your posts and i bet this really isn’t a ” challenge ” for you.